Enter search term. By default the system will search in the name and keywords fields. Alternatively, users can specify which fields they want searched.
Users can also select which query mode they desire:
exact ,
homonyms , or
fuzzy . The exact setting only searches for the exact search term(s).
For example, if "modern poetry" is entered, the system will only look for that exact string.
- homonyms : this mode incorporates the functions of the exact mode, and also searches for Chinese characters that have the same sound as the search term.
For example, if the term 歷史 is being searched, the system will also look for历史.
- fuzzy : this mode yields the greatest number of results by searching for approximate values of the search terms. As such, the search terms need not all appear in the same order or even in the same field.
For example, searching for "education" in this mode will yield "literature education" or "drama education".