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系統識別碼 095NTU05225006 
資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 依附或割裂的地方經驗? : 台北市寶藏巖聚落的地方認同研究 
作者 郭柏秀 
出版日期 2007 
頁碼或冊數 160 
中文摘要 寶藏巖聚落原屬都市邊緣地帶由居民自力營造出的聚落,十多年間歷經台北市政府違建拆遷的威脅、空間專業者介入運作聚落保存運動到以文資法指定歷史聚落建築以藝術村形式保存。在此過程中,寶藏巖原本封閉的地理形制可謂門戶大開。「外來者」不斷進入/涉入的影響,不但改變了聚落的生活與未來,更與在土地上生活的居民競逐地方空間的使用權與意義。 本研究從寶藏巖聚落居民的生活觀察與聚落生活史的回溯,嘗試理解居民對於違建聚落作為一個生活場址所執的地方認同(place-identity)內涵、地方認同與個人認同間的關連。又其中違建的環境經歷如何作用在個人地方意義與地方認同的建構中。研究發現違建的環境歷程對居民社會心理上的衝擊主要在於環境經營、人與環境情感聯繫的矛盾心理上。對於生活環境經營採過渡與暫時的態度,讓主體在認同與實踐行動間出現矛盾;家意義與地方認同在具體化的過程中因不能自由伸展而產生焦慮。外力進出頻繁地改造空間,重塑地景、拆除重要的記憶地點與生活場景。而地景劇烈地變化形同空間的斷裂,使居民感受地點的失去(loss of place)。其普遍感受自己無能控制環境,隨時承受著可能被拆遷的陰霾,即使是指定歷史聚落,還要擔心居留正當性的問題。其不但無法延伸對地方未來的想像,更無法信賴環境具有恆久性,生活中經常感到焦慮。這些違建宿命所衍生的現實壓力、種種複雜都市政治過程的壓迫,其實正割裂(disembed)主體與地方的情感聯繫,稀釋了地方感。 由於聚落居民生活在承載高度社會歧視與污名想像的違建場域中,在面對外來者/他者時,主體地方認同的展現乃涉及敏感細緻的形象整飭、污名調適與在居住權益考量下所作的認同政治判斷,因而需要透過更細緻的地方生活觀察、日常生活分析始有可能釐清。所以在研究方法上,多倚賴參與觀察的方式,觀察鄰里生活與鄰人互動的模式。透過鄰里相互評價的內容,解讀不同社群間彼此區隔的界線,了解聚落中居民組成的多元性和歧異度。而其彼此間的區隔與評價在分析中主要用以理解、比較認同的內涵與鄰里互動的模式、鄰人間的社會距離。... 
英文摘要 Located in the margin of the city, Treasure Hill was a settlement formatted by the way of self –help building. In more than ten years, the place has been menaced by enforced relocation from the Taipei City Government. Later, the planning and architectural professionals also aroused the preservation movement of the settlement and finally made it assigned as a Historical Settlement with the Cultural Heritage Preservation Law and preserved it in the form of an Art Village. In the process, the close geographical character of Treasure Hill has been turned to open. The continual influences from the outlanders not only changed the life but future of the settlement. They also competed with the residents of the right of space and the meaning of the place. Approached from observing the residents’s daily life in Treasure Hill and tracking the living history of the whole settlement, this research tried to digged out the place-identity of the residents, which was developed on the base of living in the “illegal” building. At the meanwhile, I tried to comprehend the interrelation between place- identity and self- identity. The research also focused on how the environmental past of living in the self-help buildings acted on the construction of the place-identity and the meaning of place belong to an individual. The research has found the impacts left by the environmental past of living in Treasure Hill mainly work on the paradoxical psychology of management of the environment and the attachment to the land. The subject encounters conflicts between identification and practice when managed living environment because she/he took a transitional and tentative attitude. The residents felt anxious during the process when the meaning of home and place- identity emboded because of being restricted. External forces frequently change the space, reshape the landscape, and demolish important sites of memory and living scenes However, the drastic changes of landscape are just as the fractions of the space, that make the residents suffer the loss of place. They always feel unable to control the environment, and bearing the threaten of enforced relocated. Even though now Treasure Hill is registered as a Historical Settlement Architecture, the residents still have to worry about the rightness of their stay. They could not imagine the future of the place, and could not believe in an enduring life environment, either. They often feel uneasy. The oppressions in the political process, and the complexities of the illegal/self-help building actually disembedded the emotions of subjects to the place and thus diluted the sense of place. 
出版者 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
備註 成功大學圖書館 
關鍵詞 臺北市;中正區;古蹟;寶藏巖;聚落 
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