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系統識別碼 090PCCU0259009 
資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 蘇珊.朗格符號論美學研究 : 以臺灣建築中之總統府為例 
作者 黃耀俊 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 140 
中文摘要 本文之討論即以總統府場所意象的研究為例,驗證朗格理論在此部份之合理性。本文之研究歷程為首先就朗格的理論作一整體性認識。而後瞭解總統府場所的意象為何。然後是對民族文化領域概念提出質疑,探討朗格的理論能否合理解釋總統府場所的意象。最後是提出筆者個人建議的補充。 
英文摘要 This thesis is to examine the advisability of Langer’s theory on the Presidential Office of Taiwan by studying its place’s images. And it is divided into four stages. The first one is to provide a general understanding of Langer’s theory. The second one is to investigate what the place’s images of the Presidential Office are. The third one is to interpose an inquiry into ethnic domain and to discuss if Langer’s theory can interpret the place’s images of the Presidential Office reasonably or not. Then, the last stage is to introduce a personal suggestion about the concept of culture domain which was not mentioned in Langer’s theory. 
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出版者 中國文化大學哲學研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北市;中正區;古蹟;建築;總統府; 蘇珊.朗格; 朗格;符號;美學; 符號論美學;藝術符號論;建築藝術 
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