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系統識別碼 085NCTU0118031 
資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 機車停車管理對機車使用者停車行為影響之研究-以台北巿西門町與南陽街為例 
作者 藺培志 
出版日期 1997 
頁碼或冊數 134 
中文摘要 國內目前機車停車問題已非常嚴重,一因機車停車空間未良好規劃,二因有關機車停車之行為特性與相關法令規章等研究甚少,亦無對現階段各項機車停車管理進行探討。而國外先進國家因無較嚴重之機車停車問題,故可供參考研究亦十分有限。然機車停車管理策略之成敗與否,除取決於管理當局之規劃過程與執行績效外,機車使用者之行為特性與配合意願亦為重要考量因素。本研究從行為面著手,以陳述性偏好法探討機車使用者在面對機車停車管理時,原停車行為可能之變化。為符合陳述性偏好法之實驗設計原理,研究過程採二階段設計程序,第一階段為機車停車特性與管理項目意見調查,除欲瞭解機車使用者之基本停車特性與行為意向外,旨在利用集中度排序法粹取機車停車主要替選行為與決策屬性;第二階段則遵循前一階段研究結果,以隨機常態實驗設計進行問卷調查,並配合個體行為選擇理論進行模式校估、比較及分析。最後則擬訂短、中、長期之管理目標與策略,進行政策敏感度分析,據以研提各時期之管理措施。實証分析結果發現,各模式皆顯著優於其各相對的等佔有率模式與巿場佔有率模式,表示本研究選用之變數具良好解釋能力。停車行為模式若納入性別與所得二項社經變數,將提高概似比指標與正確預測百分比,且經概似比檢定發現加入社經變數之模式的解釋能力顯著優於未加入社經變數之模式,顯示機車使用者的社經特性對停車行為之選擇有顯著性影響。由管理策略模擬結果可知機車使用者對機車存有高度習慣性,較不易受單一性管理策略而移轉至大眾運輸;且路邊收費停車場與違規停車二項行為方案因具高度替代性,故應同時對此二項方案進行管制。於管理措施方面,短期應全面性規劃機車停車空間,並加強交通助理員之訓練與試辨機車路邊停車收費,及鼓勵民間開放建築物附設之停車空間;中期則擴大收費管理區,並委託民間經營收費停車場,另持續推動大眾運輸改善方案及開放民間拖吊公司;長期則解除費率管制,全面性實施機車停車收費制度,並逐步取消路邊機車停車空間及營造整體大眾運輸環境。 
英文摘要 The study is undertaken to explore the parking behavior of motorcycle users by using the Stated Preference Method. A two- stage approach is used to follow the principles of experimental design of Stated Preference Method. We try to explore the attitude of motorcycle users and their parking demand characteristics, and find the range of related attribute values in the first stage in order to design the levels of specific attributes. Based on the information derived from the first stage, the normal distribution method was used to design the stated preference questionnaires. A face-to-face interview was conducted to collect enough data to establish the parking behavior model for motorcycle users. Some long term, medium term, and short term parking control strategies were also derived and tested in this study.The empirical results show the tests of significance and goodness of fit for multinomial logit model are pretty well. Adding the terms of sex and income will significantly increase the explanatory ability. According to the results of policy simulation, we find the motorcycle users tend to drive farther away or move to illegal-parking in response to high parking charge, and unlikely move to public transportation under single or loose restrained control strategy. Offering the space for motorcycle parking, implementing motorcycle parking charge, training traffic assistants for parking enforcement, and encouraging the private to open their parking spaces for the public are suggested for short term management. Augmenting parking control area and privatization of parking management are suggested for the medium term. In the long run, the roadside motorcycle parking should be prohibited everywhere. 
出版者 國立交通大學交通運輸研究所 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 臺北市;萬華區;西門町;南陽街;機車;停車;陳述性偏好法;政策;管理 
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