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系統識別碼 089THU00038002 
資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 街道物件促進商業空間溝通活化之研究--以台北市西門町行人徒步區空間為例 
作者 陳婷妤 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 161 
中文摘要 人類是群體動物,溝通交流是人之天性需求,都市則是滿足人「關係慾」的場所,而人所產生的關係性更是都市的活力來源。由於科技的快速發展,便利的交通工具與網路興起,剝離了都市與生活者原有的關係性,也因此改變都市的規劃尺度,使人與人之間的關係更加冷漠。鑑於上述,位居上位的都市規劃者,希望藉由以人為本的設計觀念,重新使都市與生活者關係緊密結合,並讓都市生活者於都市中重新找回滿足關係慾的愉悅。街道是都市生活者的生活舞台,不僅提供運輸機能,也攸關生活者的生活品質與都市的風格魅力。徒步街的設置,便是促成生活者在街道中重新展開關係慾追求的方法之一。 城市中的重點商業空間,通常成為都市重點核心,而商圈的輔導再造亦是政府單位近年之重點計劃之一。於是本研究採取抽離交通影響之商業行人徒步區作為個案研究對象,透過實地考察與各式調查展開,以探討街道物件之於商業空間的活化影響。本研究實地考察有「先行訪問」、「環境現況調查」與「問卷調查」三部份,將具有正面價值意義之街道物件分為「常設性街道家具」與「臨時設置物」兩項調查,以驗證街道物件具有活化商業空間之基礎假設。 街道物件因處於都市設計的末端,於是容易被規劃者所忽視,但是經由本研究實地考察結果分析後,發現常設性街道家具有加強印象的具體成效,並且提供民眾使用上的實質功能,並且輔助產生互動交流意義。臨時設置物經調查後發現助於增加逛街的樂趣,並提供多樣商品選擇性,對於提高生活樂趣有相當大的正面意義。管理與規劃準則應以人性為出發點,且生活應是愉悅的、自在的,並非純粹的追求一致性的乾淨寬敞的環境。所以應以達成都市生活者的愉悅關係需求為主要追求目標,進而期能提供符合人性之休閒環境。 
英文摘要 Human being is a kind of social animal that communicates with others by instinct. City is then a place for human to generate the relationship, which is the original vitality of a city, through communicate. Because of rapid development of science and technology, convenient transportation and broadly used the Internet has destroyed the relationship between the resident and the city. The scale of urban planning is changed that results in unconcern with each other. Therefore, the city planners re-emphasize the human-centered design concept basing to firmly combine the city with the resident for whom to regain the original happiness of connecting each other. Street is the living stage of the resident, not only provides the function of transportation, but also has the effect of the living quality and the image of a city. The arrangement of pedestrian street is one way of promoting the relationship described above. The most active commercial area in a city always becomes the core of the city, and receives more guidance and promotion from government recently. This thesis selects the pedestrian street as the subject of research through several investigations to discuss the effect of street objects could have on the commercial space. The investigation of this research has three parts: interview, objects investigation, questionnaire; and divides street objects which have useful meaning into two sections: street furniture investigation and temporary objects investigation. The assumption of street objects that could have activating effect for commercial space is verified. Street objects is trivial to urban planning, and easily ignored by planners. Through the investigations, we conclude that street furniture has the concrete effect on enhancing image, providing people practical function and assisting people in communicating. As a result, we find out the temporary objects can increase the pleasure of shopping and walking around, provide variety of commodity selection, and improve the pleasure of living. The principle of management and planning should focus on human nature. Life should be relaxed and cheerful instead of simply chasing the uniformity as the only way. Therefore making the cheerful relationship of resident within a city is the main target of planning to provide the leisure environment for human life. 
出版者 東海大學工業設計研究所 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 臺北市;萬華區;西門町;臨時設置物;街道家具;徒步區;商業空間 
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