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系統識別碼 093NCTU5118015 
資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 機車實施路邊停車收費對民眾旅運行為之影響-以台北市西門町商業中心區為例 
作者 黃建樺 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 90 
中文摘要 本文主要目的為構建民眾的運具選擇和機車停車區位移轉選擇模式,以瞭解實施機車路邊停車收費後,民眾使用各運具的分佈以及機車停車區位選擇情形。本文蒐集顯示性和敘述性偏好資料,以調查員面訪方式訪問台北市西門町民眾目前和實施機車路邊停車收費後的運具使用和機車停車區位選擇情形,並蒐集受訪者社會經濟特性及旅次特性資料。顯示性偏好方案包含路邊停車格、峨嵋停車場、人行道和騎樓、違規停車、機車共乘、單獨開車、公車和捷運等8個方案。敘述性偏好則以機車停車費、步行至目的地時間、車位搜尋時間和違規罰款金額四個屬性,模擬路邊停車格採計時收費和計次收費兩種情況,替選方案包括路邊計時(或計次)停車格、峨嵋停車場、違規停車、洛陽停車場、收費區外免費路邊停車、單獨開車、公車和捷運等8個方案。 
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study is to investigate the trip makers’ potential changes in mode and parking location, provided that the on-street motorcycle parking charge is imposed. A revealed-preference (RP) and stated-preference (SP) survey of different travel mode users was undertaken at the Ximen CBD in Taipei. In the context of current trips to the Ximen CBD, respondents were asked to consider eight alternatives including motorcycle parking at four locations within the Ximen CBD, motorcycle shared-ride, car, bus, and mass rapid transit. The SP experiments were created by a set of attributes consisting of motorcycle on-street parking fees (hourly rate vs. flat), walking time to destination, searching time for a parking space, and illegal parking fine. 
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出版者 國立交通大學交通運輸研究所 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 臺北市;萬華區;西門町;停車;機車;羅吉特;敘述性偏好;運具選擇 
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