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系統識別碼 093NHCT5480021 
資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 國小學童英語補習對英語學習之影響 : 以臺北市萬華區為例 
作者 于吉蘭 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 125 
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國小高年級學童參加校外英語補習之背後因素及對英語學習之影響,其具體研究目的包括瞭解目前國小學童校內英語學習、校外英語補習的現況及對英語學習的看法,以及探討國小學童參加校外英語補習的背後因素及對英語補習的滿意度。另外,對英語學習看法、英語補習因素及英語補習滿意度是否會隨著學童背景資料之不同而有所差異,亦是本研究關心的問題,最後根據研究發現和結果提出具體建議,以作為相關單位參考依據。 
英文摘要 The objective of this research is to discuss with factors and influence on English learning for high-grade pupils of primary school who participate extracurricular English Lesson. The purposes of specific research include understanding the current pupils of primary school learning English at school and after class, viewing on English study as well as discussing factors on extracurricular English learning for pupils of primary school, and satisfaction of English continuation class. In addition, will different pupil's background change on the point of view on English learning, English continuation class factor, or satisfaction of English continuation class? These issues are mainly discussions. Finally, according to research discovery and result, it proposes concrete suggestions as reference for the relevant units. 
出版者 國立新竹師範學院進修暨推廣部教師在職進修數理研究所數理教育碩士班數學組 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 臺北市;萬華區;國小英語 
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