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系統識別碼 092NTUST222027 
資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺灣寺廟建築剪黏裝飾施作程序之調查研究 
作者 陳培卿 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 2001 
中文摘要 本研究擬以台閩地區第二級古蹟台北市大龍峒保安宮(後殿)為例,針對常年置於室外的屋頂剪黏裝飾施作程序進行研究。 從剪黏的發展歷史與源流、匠師傳承體系、傳統剪黏之材料製作演變、工具研擬施作程序與技法及各階段檢驗原則之建立並說明影響剪黏施作程序因素,及說明題材特色與意義並以一實際案例,台閩地區第二級古蹟大龍峒保安宮﹝後殿﹞進行實證調查研究,提出結論與建議。能夠對剪黏裝飾施作程序進一步瞭解,也期望能夠提供日後該工作領域及政府機關決策參考。有關後續研究方向,本研究建議應朝寺廟建築中不同裝飾題材及意義對施作程序與技法加以探討及對台灣地區各地剪黏施作題材、風格、造型、配色、材料做比較,研究探討是否遵循共通或特殊施作原則,從中並可建立有系統工匠技藝,整理各匠派之傳承制度,做為台灣寺廟剪黏裝飾工藝發展之基礎。 
英文摘要 The researchers studied the rear hall of Pao-an Temple thoroughly with emphasis on the paper-cutting decorations on the roofs. The researchers studied extensively with emphasis on the history and background of paper-cutting decorations, the paper-cutting masters’ succession system, development of the materials of the paper-cutting decorations, procedures of using the tools and techniques, development of the inspection rules, and the factors affecting the paper-cutting decorations. Based on the findings, the researchers illustrated the characteristics and significance of the topics, then studied the rear hall of Pao-an Temple and presented their conclusions and recommendations for future reference and to facilitate the government agency’s decision-making. The researchers believe that the future researchers should study the procedures and skills with emphasis on the various topics and the significance of the temple’s architecture and compare the topics, styles, shapes, colors, and materials in order to determine whether the artists followed the general principles or specific principles to create their works, thereby find out the craftsman system and the various schools’ succession systems serving as the foundation for the development of paper-cutting art of the temples in Taiwan. 
出版者 中國文化大學建築及都市計畫研究所碩士在職專班 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北市;寺廟;建築;剪黏;交趾陶;施作程序;匠師;技術;台灣寺廟 
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