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系統識別碼 092NTUST222027 
資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 SARS疫情對臺北市原住民之影響 
作者 張筱薇 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 86 
中文摘要 嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS)是二十一世紀以來第一種嚴重且快速傳播的新興傳染病。本研究主要目的為瞭解臺北市原住民對SARS疫情之認知以及對生活之影響。研究對象為居住於臺北市且年滿18歲以上之原住民,研究方法係以電腦輔助電話訪問系統進行調查,研究工具為自行設計之結構式問卷,電話訪問日期為九十二年六月七日至九日。本研究之有效樣本共507人。 研究結果發現82.6%的樣本是從電視中得到SARS相關資訊。有78.3%的樣本認為SARS是嚴重的疾病,有49.1%的樣本害怕國內SARS疫情的散播,以及有17.0%的樣本認為自己可能會感染到SARS。有50.8%的樣本認為他們的生活受到SARS疫情的影響。在有關SARS的知識方面,有77.1%的樣本同意SARS傳染途徑主要為口沫傳染與接觸傳染,而有98.6%的樣本知道居家隔離期間不能外出。認為可以經由做好自我防護措施來降低感染SARS機會者,佔91.5%。另外,在成癮物質使用方面,有抽菸習慣者佔所有樣本數之29.4%,其中4.7%的樣本在SARS流行後增加抽菸量,17.4%的樣本減少抽菸量。有喝酒習慣者佔全部樣本之28.0%,其中有5.6%的樣本在SARS流行後增加飲酒量,減少喝酒量者佔24.7%。有使用檳榔習慣者佔全部樣本之12.6%,其中有6.3%的樣本在SARS流行後增加檳榔的使用量,有26.6%則是減少使用量。 即使在SARS疫情趨於緩和時,還是有一半之樣本對於SARS感到害怕,建議應經由大眾傳播媒體加強有關衛生教育之宣導。 
英文摘要 Severe acute respiratory syndrome is the first severe and readily transmissible new disease to emerge in the 21st century. The major purpose of this study was to investigate the public response regarding SARS epidemic among aboriginals in Taipei City. Data were collected by using the computer assisted telephone interview technique. A total of 507 Taipei aboriginal subjects who aged 18 or older were recruited in this survey. The telephone interviews were conducted from 7 June to 9 June, 2003. Results of this study indicated 82.6% of the subjects obtained SARS information from television. Roughly 78.3% of the subjects considered SARS was a serious disease, and 49.1% of the subjects were feared of the SARS epidemic. Nearly 50.8% of the subjects reported that their lives were influenced by the SARS outbreak. Approximately 17.0% of the subjects believed that they were likely to contract SARS during the current outbreak. About 77.1% of subjects agreed that SARS was transmitted by person to person droplet nuclei and 98.6% respondents knew people who were quarantined in home could not leave their houses. Over 91% of the subjects agreed that adopting precautionary measures could reduce the possibility of contracting SARS. Furthermore, the prevalence rate for smoking, drinking and betel nut chewing were 29.4%, 28.0%, 12.6%, respectively. It was noted that some subjects change their substance use behavior after the SARS outbreak. Among those smoking subjects, 4.7% of them increased the amount of cigarette smoking and 17.4% of them reduced the amount of cigarette smoking. Among those drinking subjects, 5.6% of them increased the amount of alcohol drinking and 24.7% of them reduced the amount of alcohol drinking. Among those subjects who chewing betel nut, 6.3% of them increased the amount of betel nut chewing and 26.6% of them reduced the amount of betel nut chewing. This study concluded that half of the subjects were feared of the SARS outbreak. More health education in this regard should be enhanced through mass media. 
出版者 臺北醫學大學公共衛生學研究所社區衛生組 
出版地 臺北市 
備註 臺北醫學大學圖書館 
關鍵詞 臺北市;SARS;原住民;嚴重急性呼吸道症候群 
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