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系統識別碼 093NTPU0347014 
資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺北市國小通學步道規劃制度之研究─以北投國民小學為例 
作者 洪玉蕙 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 158 
中文摘要 兒童受限於生心理特性之限制而較容易面臨人車衝突,其中又以通學步行路程之交通事故發生率最高。為維護兒童之交通安全,許多研究指出,提供一安全的通學步道有其必要,此舉除可直接降低兒童遭受交通事故的頻率,更可間接提昇兒童的活動自由,健全兒童成長發展。因此,本研究之目的便係為檢討目前臺北市通學步道政策─「規劃通學巷」之實施成效,並提出通學步道規劃制度之改善建議,以使通學步道參與者之需求得以被規劃制度滿足。本研究將運用訪談與實地觀察的方式,對照有無實施通學巷之通學步道差異,藉以檢討臺北市現行通學步道政策之成效。此外,尚將運用問卷調查與訪談的方式,探討不同通學步道參與者對於步道之需求,一方面可藉此瞭解現行通學步道規劃制度與參與者需求間是否存有不相符的現象,一方面將作為未來提出通學步道規劃制度建議之參考。最後,本研究將運用文獻與上述分析所得,提出都市、社區與學校層級之通學步道規劃制度建議。本研究發現,臺北市現行通學步道規劃制度無法確實維護學童的步行安全;即無論是否實施通學巷政策,各研究案例皆殊途同歸地面臨學童通學步行安全無所保障的困境。探討該制度成效不彰的原因有二:現行的都市規劃體制無法適時提供與需求相符的通學步道供給,導致學童無路可走;以及,通學步道各參與者尚未凝聚共同維護學童通學步行安全的共識,導致民眾不願配合通學巷之交通管制措施。因此,回過頭檢視現行規劃制度才發現,臺北市現行規劃制度仍是以車為主,且民眾參與規劃的程度受限。本研究遂提出通學步道在不同空間層級之建議:一、在都市層級中,本研究建議應著重於檢討現行都市整體規劃制度與法規對於行人路權維護的規劃理念與規範,以使步行需求在都市整體規劃時就被優先考量,並使通學步道規劃的必要性能在法治面被規範、保障。二、在社區層級中,本研究建議應著重於學區範圍內的運輸規劃,以符合地區交通特性與學童步行需求之規劃方式,維護學童在住家與學校間的步行安全。三、在學校層級中,本研究建議應著重於以學校為主導,並結合不同通學步道參與者的「交通安全委員會」的成立與執行。 
英文摘要 Children are more vulnerable than adults to collisions with motor vehicles, because their special limitations. And there is a relatively high proportion of collisions to children occurring on journey to/from school. Research has shown that developing safe walking conditions to school is good for not only decreasing the number of traffic accident with children, but also increasing children’s ability to face complex traffic situations. Therefore, the objective of this paper is reviewing on the present policy of “students’ walking lane” in Taipei, and giving some suggestions for developing a planning system to developing student pedestrians’ safe walking conditions.Comparing “students’ walking lane” with ordinary students’ walking conditions, we argue that the “students’ walking lane” is not effective in protecting student pedestrians from motor vehicles. Because all of the students surveyed must walk on dangerous streets, no matter enforcing “students’ walking lane” or not. The reason why the present policy can’t work is that the present planning system can’t supply enough walking space to the demand at once. On the other hand, through surveying the stakeholders’ demand for students’ walking conditions, we can find another reason, which is that some of them don’t agree they have responsibility for preserving students’ road safety. These two reasons not only result in the present policy ineffective to provide road safety, but also point to the disadvantage of the present planning system in Taipei, which is that the planning system is vehicle-oriented and without citizens’ participation. Hence, three suggestions by three different planning scales can be offered:1. In city scale, we suggest that the planning system and relative rules should provide pedestrians with the rights to walk safely and comfortably, and guarantee student pedestrians against the threat from motor vehicles.2. In community scale, we suggest that the planning system should focus on improving the walking conditions in the school zone, applying the planning method, which is fit for local traffic characteristics and students’ demand.3. In school scale, we suggest that the school should establish “Safety Advisory Committee” which includes different stakeholders. 
出版者 國立臺北大學都市計劃研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
備註 國立臺北大學 
關鍵詞 臺北市;北投區;通學步道;通學巷;規劃制度;國小學童;步行安全 
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