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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 坡度萃取方式對山坡地解編區位之探討 : 以臺中縣龍井鄉為例 
作者 陳璁慶 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 59 
中文摘要 臺灣土地資源有限,人口密集,山坡地面積占全省總面積三分之二,如何落實山坡地管理利用乃當前一大課題,除加強宣導維護管理外,對於符合劃出條件之山坡地應做適度檢討,解除山坡地編定,讓土地能更有效運用。2001年全省提出解編檢討山坡地面積為12,067公頃,占公告山坡地面積1.25%,土地所有權人對解編殷切期盼。 
英文摘要 Taiwan has very limited land resources with a dense population. However, the slopeland measure up to two-thirds of the total area. How to fully implement Taiwan’s policy of slopeland management and usage is an importantly issue. The authorities concerned should not only enhance the general public’s knowledge of slope land maintenance and management, but also conduct appropriate reviews on those slopeland which meet the conditions for redistribution of land, with a view to deregulating slopeland distribution and thereby using lands more efficiently. 
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出版者 國立中興大學水土保持學系碩士在職專班 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 臺中縣;龍井鄉;山坡地;網格;解編;畸零地