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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 利用音樂訊號之自函數技術研究中國古建築空間之音環境特性:以鹿港龍山寺南管之戲亭空間為例 
作者 梁貴堡 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 89 
中文摘要 物理量分析採用Ando(1985)之理論,於一級古蹟---鹿港龍山寺南管之戲亭空間進行物理量測。本研究邀請鹿港聚英社授教老師於無響室錄製多首中國南方泉州古樂---南管,並錄製國樂樂曲作為比較,計算其連續自函數(running autocorrelation)來作為聲場優選評價(subjective preference)之預測基礎。 
英文摘要 The physical method is to utilize the theory of preferred sound field proposed by Ando (1985), which was applied the experiences of hearing classical music through measurement in a hall. Longshan temple in Lugang,a port city in central Taiwan,was chosen to be the location for experimentation.We recorded the dry-sources of Chinese ancient music–Nankung by the player of Taiwan Jiuhingsheh in semi-anechoic chamber,which was famous in southern China,and calculated the evaluations of subjective preference scores for the sound field by the running autocorrelation function (ACF) technology.We discuss whether the ancient Chinese music was fairly applied or not for subjective judgment theory as comparison with Western classical ones by the experimentation of subjective preference in semi-anechoic chamber. 
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出版者 朝陽科技大學建築及都市設計研究所 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 彰化縣;鹿港鎮;中國古建築;主觀優選理論;自已相關函數;南管;鹿港龍山寺