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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 西魯凱族祖靈柱紋飾變遷之研究:以光復後(1945-2003年)為例 
作者 吳憶萍 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 86 
中文摘要 本文之研究主旨,希望從魯凱部落原始文化脈絡的解析中,窺探傳統祖靈柱之紋飾的藝術本質與其文化意涵的追尋,由傳統而變遷之經過外來政權、宗教分析歷史之因果關係。從中發覺與分析透過時空的轉演、藝術生態的改變,與現今部落祖靈柱之變異做一比較,盼望能以客觀探討為魯凱部落祖靈柱紋飾變遷及其藝術價值作一定位。 
英文摘要 The purpose of the research is to know the cause and effect between line decoration of pillar ancestral spirits of Rukai Tribe and its cultural history, which went through transition of tradition, external authority and religion. From this, a comparison is made between past and present tribal pillar of ancestral spirits through analysis of space-time transition and change of art ecology. It is hoped that the objective study can find a right position for the transition and the artistic value of line decoration of pillar of ancestral spirits of Rukai Tribe. 
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出版者 樹德科技大學應用設計研究所碩士班視覺傳達組 
出版地 高雄縣 
關鍵詞 屏東縣;霧臺鄉;西魯凱族;祖靈柱;紋飾;變遷