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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺南縣關廟鄉山西宮彩繪圖像之研究 
作者 陳秀姬 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 219 
中文摘要 本論文旨在研究山西宮廟宇彩繪之繪畫表現,山西宮彩繪最大特色,為新舊廟皆由臺灣廟宇彩繪大師潘麗水所繪製。潘麗水一生從事廟宇彩繪工作達六十多年,完成百餘座廟宇的彩繪工程,創作數量相當豐富。象徵吉瑞意涵及散發教化功能的題材,也是廟宇彩繪的主要特色之一,本文共探討了六十則歷史典故題材,皆是關於山西宮彩繪之門神畫、壁畫、樑枋畫、神龕畫的故事。 
英文摘要 The purpose of this research is to study the presentation of Shan-Shi Kung paintings. The main feature of Shan-Shi Kung is that the painting works regardless the old and new temples are completed by Mr. Li-shiung Pan. During Pan’s career of painting, he has spent most of time in temple paintings for more than sixty years. Based on conservative estimating, the number of the temple paintings finished by him is more than a hundred works, which is a huge number of creations. The themes of symbolizing good fortune and educating people are reflected in his temple-painting works. In this study, sixty history stories concerning Shan-Shi Kung’s Art works by Pan are explored. These include the painter’s application of murals, pillar paintings, and tentacles. It is well known that composition, line, color, texture, space, material and daub are the fundamental elements of drawing. 
出版者 國立彰化師範大學美術學系在職進修專班藝術教育碩士班 
出版地 彰化市 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;關廟鄉;山西宮;寺廟;彩繪;潘麗水