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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 創造城鄉新風貌地方層級推動機制之研究:以金門縣為例 
作者 藍秀琪 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 [137] 
中文摘要 依據地方特色創造風貌,實非一蹴可及,需長期計畫與建設,故本研究乃思此過程中,建立可賴以長期推動執行的機制。由過去執行經驗及案例可知,創造城鄉新風貌計畫牽涉領域甚廣,故本研究先以調查及訪談地方意見領袖方式,除找出金門縣地方發展特色特色外,也發掘過去執行創造城鄉新風貌計畫缺失。進而由目前地方行政體制可執行層面切入探討建立推動創造城鄉新風貌計畫機制。 
英文摘要 To be able to use the town’s unique features to create a new townscape, a long time is needed to plan and develop a worthy scheme. Thus the Manual Study helps to provide a base model of long term townscape planning. The plan includes a wide range of questions to help with the planning process. Such questions were placed upon the local authority and committee leaders, which in return generated such information like the unique features of the town. The Manual Study also examines the problems and results from past plans of the local authority. 
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出版者 國立臺灣科技大學建築研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 福建省;金門縣;創造城鄉新風貌;景觀規劃;離島建設;推動機制;城鄉風貌