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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 「西山前李宅」古蹟之維護與管理及民宿計畫之探討 
作者 李榮章 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 93 
中文摘要 本文旨在研究以金門古蹟維護與管理之缺失檢討,研擬古蹟維護管理之具體可行之方案,提供主管機關作為古蹟維護與管理之參考,期使古蹟得以延長其壽命,將古蹟溶入現代生活中,以提昇生活品質,並作為發展金門觀光之主要賣點,帶動金門地區觀光產業之蓬勃發展。 
英文摘要 The purpose of this essay is intentionally offered, it is hoped, not as a reference of the historical sites maintenance and management for the governing bodies only, but as a media to prolong the sites’ lives by a specific policies and solutions for safe-guarding our cultural heritages. It will also achieve and elevate the people’s living contents through bringing historical sites adding to the market business and developing their historical significances to enrich our modern lives. Moreover, they will simultaneously promote Kinmen’s enterprise into an irresistibly new and prosperous sightseeing estate. 
出版者 銘傳大學管理科學 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 金門縣;金沙鎮;古蹟維護行銷策略;民宿;行銷策略