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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 金門珠山薛姓血緣聚落時空間變遷的研究 
作者 許志傑 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 1張光碟片 
中文摘要 金門珠山薛姓血緣聚落,開基迄今,已有六百五十餘年的歷史,宗族自中原而邊陲,從大陸到離島,復由石井坑移向龜山兜,通過生存領域的爭奪與擴張後,穩定成長。其人丁繁衍,以禮房為最;世代則以18--24世較多。9--20世間薛氏分衍金、澎、臺及內地,17世起且有移居南洋者,21世以後的人口移動,無論規模與範圍,均較前寬廣。因聚落久經發展,村段內之土地,殆皆為建地,然國有地竟高佔27.46﹪,頗不尋常。五房土地近半為義房所有,世代則集中於21--23世,權屬結構,頗不均衡。 
英文摘要 The life styles, ways of livelihood earning and internal meanings of settlement change with times. As the development of settlement tends to be saturated, and due to the introduction by the relatives of the same clan, the villagers went to the Southeast Asia to earn their livelihoods. The alumna association of Chu Shan Primary School just collected the overseas remittance at the right timing so as to turn Chushan to be “the first village of countrymen residing abroad in Kinmen.” 
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出版者 國立高雄師範大學地理學系 
出版地 高雄市 
關鍵詞 金門縣;金城鎮;珠山;血緣聚落;宗族發展;變遷