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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 國內都市垃圾焚化廠回饋金制度之探討: 以鹿草焚化廠為例 
作者 林文淵 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 136 
中文摘要 本研究主要是由認知、滿意與看法及建議層面,來探討垃圾焚化廠回饋金運用現況及成效,並從民眾的看法與感受瞭解現有問題所在,尋求符合民眾需求且合理、適切之運用方向。利用分層隨機抽樣方式,發出446份,回收有效問卷401份,來分析民眾對回饋金之認知與運用方向之看法;並透過「實地訪談」瞭解個案回饋金運用現況與問題所在。 
英文摘要 This study is to discuss status quo and effect of the compensation application of a municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) from the aspects of cognition, satisfaction, opinion and suggestion, and realize present problem from the opinion and feeling of public to seek for the reasonable and appropriate application to conform to the need of public. The stratified random sampling is applied, and 401 valid questionnaires are returned out from 446 questionnaires to analyze public’s opinion on the cognition and application of compensation; and finally is to realize the status quo and problem of the compensation application by the case through “On-the-spot interview”. 
出版者 南華大學環境管理研究所 
出版地 嘉義縣 
關鍵詞 嘉義縣;鹿草鄉;垃圾;焚化;焚化廠;回饋;環境;環保