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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 淨水場濁度去除效能評估及混凝監測之研究:以豐原淨水場為例 
作者 甘其銓 
出版日期 1997 
頁碼或冊數 105 
中文摘要 工商高度發展的今日,水質日趨惡化,提昇淨水場淨水處理的能力及改善其操作方式已是當務之急.本研究先對豐原淨水場現有設備及混凝加藥操作情況做一全面得評估,針對混凝,沈澱及過濾等處理程序,了解各單元濁的去除效能是評估重點.結果顯示淨水場內混凝及過濾單元皆處於超負荷狀況,沈澱單元的負荷量也相當大。 
英文摘要 Water quality has been deteriorated by the excess development in the catchment. It is desirable to pay more attention to improve or upgrade the performance of existing water treatment plant.In this study,we first made an comprehensive evaluation to the plant units ant their chemical dosing in Feng-Yuan water treatment facility.The turbidity removal efficiency was a key parameter to conduct this task. The results from the evaluation of plant units clearly that solid removal units including flocculators,clarifier,and filters are all in the overloading operations,especially for the flocculator and filter. 
出版者 國立交通大學環境工程學系 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 臺中縣;豐原市;商業景觀;商店種類;消費者