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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 邂逅蘭嶼 : 論三部民族誌紀錄片蘭嶼觀點、清文不在家、面對惡魔 
作者 劉逸竹 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 90 
中文摘要 這篇論文源起於我長久以來對電影再現臺灣離島議題的關切。本研究致力於處理三部探討蘭嶼的民族誌紀錄片 (1993-2001),他們超越了以往帶有偏見、制式的紀錄影片,呈現了豐富的在地知識。特別的是,這三部影片共同呈現了蘭嶼的兩種層次:第一,蘭嶼與現代性的接觸(encounter); 第二,攝影機如何呈現前述的接觸。三部影片處理的方式皆不同,必須從與現代性接觸後的影響,以及攝影機的功能去解釋。 
英文摘要 This thesis is initiated by my long-term concern for the filmic representation of the off-shore islands of Taiwan.The three documentary films produced between 1993 and 2001 I have chosen deal with a variety of subjects related to Orchid Island.Neither a naive nor a prejudiced filmmaking, the films are abundant with local and ethnographic knowledge.In particular, they attempt at representing Orchid Island on two levels.The first addresses that of Orchid Island’s encounters with modernity, while the second, that of the camera’s encounter with those encounters—or rather, its involvement in them.For the films, Orchid Island is no longer a visual spectacle or object to consume; rather, it has become a living subject with her own voice. 
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出版者 國立交通大學語言與文化學系 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 臺東縣;蘭嶼鄉;現代性;持攝影機的人;民族誌電影;<<蘭嶼觀點>>;<<清文不在家>>;<<面對惡靈>>