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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 彰化縣線西鄉鴨蛋戴奧辛污染案例探討 
作者 楊素季 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 174 
中文摘要 民國94年彰化縣線西鄉及伸港鄉發生鴨蛋中戴奧辛含量高於歐盟雞蛋戴奧辛總毒性當量濃度指引值,因此11場蛋鴨場之鴨隻及鴨蛋被銷毀。本報告針對事件發生後從中央至基層鄉公所對此一事件所採取的因應措施及民意代表、鴨農、在地鄉民及民間團體對這件事情所採取救濟行為等加以紀錄整理與探討。 
英文摘要 In 2005, duck eggs from Hsien-hsi township and Shen-gang township in Changhua County were detected to contain dioxin exceeding the levels permitted by EU regulations. Ducks and duck eggs from eleven (11) duck farms were destroyed to prevent contaminated products from reaching the marketplace. Among them, duck meat and duck eggs from eight farms contained dioxin exceeding the levels permitted (seven in Hsien-hsi Township and one in Shen-gang Township. The other three farms were not found with excessive dioxin (one in Hsien-hsi Township and two in Shen-gang Township). This report investigates and keeps a chronicle record of the measures taken by authorities from central to local governments, and the self-relief remedies taken by lawmakers, duck farm owners, local citizens and civil societies. 
出版者 大葉大學環境工程學系碩士在職專班 
出版地 彰化市 
關鍵詞 彰化縣;線西鄉;鴨蛋;戴奧辛;環境污染