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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 綠島地區地景景點選取與保育之研究 
作者 粘俊亮 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 144 
中文摘要 綠島地區因其大地構造背景與特殊之地理環境位置,使其具有豐富之地景資源。自從此地納入東海岸國家風景特定區管轄範圍之後,到此處觀光遊憩之遊客有逐年增加之趨勢,大量之觀光人潮與因應觀光人潮之公共設施與私人設施興建已經對當地之地景造成負面之影響。為使綠島地區觀光發展與地景保育工作併行不悖,本研究選取包括公館灣沿岸、柚子湖、海參坪、觀音洞、旭溫泉、紫坪及龜灣沿岸等七處應優先保育的地景景點,最後並根據各地景景點之保育內容分類、地景景點現況威脅資料及景點之所在位置研擬保育措施及劃定地景景點保育範圍。 
英文摘要 Based on the tectonic and geographic background,Green Island is famous for various landscapes. Since Green Island integrated to the territory of East Coast National Scenic Areas,the numbers of visitor grow annually. Legionary visitors and institutional private buildings cause a huge influence on the landscape of Green Island. Considering to the sustainable development of tourism and maintenance of earthwork,this study select Green Island as the research territory including most famous sightseeing locations,the coast of Kungkuantwan , Yutzuhu , Haishenping , Kungyentun , Hsuwunchuan , Ziping , the coast of Kueiwan. The 7 landscapes should be maintain precedentially and we categorized by the maintainable concent,landscapes condition and location,the minatory situation of those landscapes. 
出版者 國立花蓮師範學院鄉土文化學系 
出版地 花蓮縣 
關鍵詞 臺東縣;綠島鄉;地景保育;地景景點選取