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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 921集集地震東勢鎮、石岡鄉自來水管線災損分析及其與污水、天然氣管線災損之比較分析 
作者 李承翰 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 136 
中文摘要 維生線系統(包含了自來水系統、污水下水道、瓦斯系統、電信與電力系統等民生公用設施)為人民生活基本需求之一,自來水系統是現代化都市不可或缺的公共設施,本論文的主要研究目標在於分析東勢鎮與石岡鄉的自來水管線系統的災損情形,期間蒐集了臺灣省自來水公司所提供的自來水管線藍曬圖以及管線修漏派工單,並且透過數化方法,將所有管線以及災損資料建置到電腦系統裡,來進行分析統計,以求出自來水管線災損率與地震參數之間的迴歸趨勢,作為自來水管線的災損預測。 
英文摘要 Reliable lifeline system, which includes the water supply system, the sewage system, the natural gas supply system, the telecommunication system, and the power system, is one of the basic needs for people. The water supply system is a necessary public facility of a modem city and evaluation index of national competition. The goal of this research was to analyze the damage conditions of water pipelines of Dungshr Jen and Shrgang Shiang, the pipeline maps and work orders were collected from the Taiwan Water Supply Corporation, they were digitized into a computer for statistical analysis to reveal the patterns between the damages ratios and the earthquake parameters. Based on these results, to improve the seismic performance of water supply systems. 
出版者 國立臺北科技大學土木與防災研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺中縣;石岡鄉;自來水管線;地理資訊系統;災損率;震害分析;集集;地震;東勢