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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 共同資源管理之研究:三民與烏來河川魚類保育組織之個案 
作者 古曉燕 
出版日期 1998 
頁碼或冊數 146 
中文摘要 本論文探討自主性共同資源管理組織的形成因素,分別以三民鄉楠梓仙溪與烏來鄉南勢溪、桶后溪的河川魚類資源保育計畫為個案。從本研究結果可見,社區的同質性、封閉性與人口穩定性為影響共同資源管理組織形成的重要因素。本研究之結論為:一、若資源生產力較低,則此資源採用共同管理的方式,較政府管制或私有化更適當。二、社區具有較高的同質性、封閉性與人口穩定性為形成共同資源管理的必要條件;而更重要的,組織領導者與社區菁英積極投入並獲得多數居民支持,是共同資源管理得以落實的充分條件。 
英文摘要 The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the major factors to form an autonomic common resource management organization. The empirical study consists of two cases of San-Ming and Wu-Lai river fishery conservation projects. Pertaining to the feasibility of common resources management projects, we summarize two conclusions.1. If a natural resource has a lower productivity, it is better to be managed by a common property regime rather than state and private regimes.2. Having a higher level of homogeneity, closure and demographic stability is only a necessary condition for common resource management; more important, leadership and energetic inputs from local elites as well as a support by major residents is a sufficient condition to manage common resource effectively. 
出版者 國立臺灣大學森林學系研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;烏來鄉;資源管理;自然保育;漁業;社會規範;交易成本;高雄縣;三民鄉