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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 淡水鎮居民對觀光發展社經影響認知之研究 
作者 蔡明學 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 113 
中文摘要 本研究主要在探討淡水鎮居民對當地的觀光發展,在生活環境、交通、經濟、風俗習慣等方面的影響認知上是否因不同人口特質、人格特質及居住空間具有差異,並嘗試了解觀光發展對淡水鎮所帶來的影響。從居民認知資料分析得知,一般居民主觀認定觀光發展並未對淡水鎮帶來重大之社經影響。觀光所產生的商業利益大多為外來人口所獲得,未能實質回饋或嘉惠於當地居民。讓居民較為在意的是淡水老街過度商業化,失去原有的風貌。假日塞車及找不到停車位都是當地居民與遊客在假日所要面對的問題。根據問卷調查得知,當地居民對觀光發展影響感受最深的是環境因素,其次是經濟因素,第三為設施因素,第四為社會因素。在研究變項上,居民最為同意的是「因觀光發展使本地的歷史與文化更廣為人知」,其次是「因觀光發展使大眾運輸工具增加」,第三則為「因觀光發展使本地停車空間不足」。 
英文摘要 The primary purposes of this study were to investigate Tan Shui Area residents' perceptions towards local tourism development. Residents of different demographic backgrounds and personality were examined to test if there were any significant differences among their perceptions towards tourism development and its impacts. The results of factor analysis showed the impacts of tourism could be classified into four factors:environment, facility, economic, and social- cultural factors. The primary results of this study showed that local residents of different ages, education hold, household incomes, correlativeness of occupation and tourism, and resided reason different opinions towards tourism impacts. The study also found that the relationship between local residents' personalities, space difference and their opinions towards tourism impacts was significantly related. 
出版者 淡江大學建築研究所 
出版地 臺北縣 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;淡水鎮;觀光發展;社經影響;人格特質;空間差異