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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 台北縣林口鄉國小高年級學生健康生活型態之研究 
作者 陳素芬 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 126 
中文摘要 本研究之主要目的在了解林口鄉國小高年級學生健康生活型態現況,希望藉此了解現階段健康生活型態的健康行為及心理情形,以作為推動學校衛生計畫的參考。本研究對象為九十二學年度就讀於林口鄉七所縣立國小五年級、六年級學生為母群體,以班級為抽樣單位,採分層等距隨機抽樣。研究工具主要參考林武雄之台北市國小健康生活型態研究問卷所研擬出的問卷,內容包括社會人口學變項及健康生活型態兩大部分。資料以次數分配、百分率、平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析及複迴歸分析等方法進行分析。 
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to explore the health lifestyles among senior primary school pupils in Lin-Koou area in order to understand their health practices and psychological status in relation to their lifestyles, serving to facilitate health promotion plans among schools. Participants were fifth and sixth grade level pupils of 2003 school year stratified from seven primary schools in Lin-Koou area. The research instrument consisting of two major parts; demographic variables and health lifestyles were drawn and fashioned from three previously tested questionnaires: Wu-Hsiung Lin’s health lifestyles of primary pupils in Taipei city. Collected data were analyzed statistically including cone-way ANOVA and multiple regressions. 
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出版者 臺灣師範大學衛生教育研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;林口鄉;國小高年級學生;健康生活型態;身體質量指數;社經地位