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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 中國式庭園中景窗之特質體驗與偏好研究 : 以板橋林家花園為例 
作者 吳宗矜 
出版日期 1998 
頁碼或冊數 107 
中文摘要 本研究主要的目的乃是探討中國式庭園中景窗特質體驗程度及影響景窗偏好的相關性,本研究首先參考相關前人研究與文獻,歸納法整理出中國式庭園中景窗的特質,包括導引、詩畫、通透及記號等四項特質,另根據景窗之造型與含意,整理出景窗分類圖,並依分類圖將板橋林家花園園內景窗中篩選出六種具代表性之景窗。 
英文摘要 The purpose of this study predominantly was to explore the major characteristics relating to the visitors' perceptions and preferences of windows in the Chinese Style Garden. This research was referring to predecessors' study and literature, after sorted and induced, this profound study had come to the conclusion that view guidance, artistry, opening degrees and symbols are the four major characteristics of windows in Chinese Style Garde. In addition, according to the significance and the archetype, it categorized the windows into different types. The most significant six types of windows were chosen from the Lin Family Residence in Pan-Chao as the investigation site of the experimental research of this study. 
出版者 國立臺灣大學園藝學研究所造園組 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;板橋市;中國式庭園;景窗;特質體驗;滿意度;偏好;板橋林家花園