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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 鸚哥魚科類之分子演化及其應用在墾丁海域魚卵分類及其組成之研究 
作者 施宏澤 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 88 
中文摘要 台灣南部墾丁海域為台灣珊瑚礁生態系中生物多樣性最豐富的地區,而在珊瑚礁生態系中扮演重要平衡角色的魚類鸚哥魚類,卻正面臨過漁及環境劣化的衝擊而正迅速減少,因此有關鸚哥魚生活史及魚卵分類等隻基本調查研究及應儘速進行。本研究可分為二部分,一為利用光學及電顯之形態分類進行台灣南部海域產紡錘形鸚哥魚卵(含Scarus、Chlorurus及Hipposcarus三屬)之分布調查。研究結果發現鸚哥魚魚卵於光學解剖顯微鏡下可區分為3型(Types);經由掃描式電子顯微鏡再觀察,可再由卵門的位置從Type2及3中再各區分出2類。經由孵化亦可由仔魚體上斑紋之特徵從光學下的Type2及3中再分出2類,但未能繼續養殖至幼魚或接下來之生長階段。根據上述分類之結果來看自1999年9月至2002年3月間三種紡錘形鸚哥魚卵出現之頻率及數量皆不規律,也沒有季節性消長,但曾於2000年3月時大量出現。第二部分係針對台灣產之鸚哥魚科內之所有能採獲的成魚種類共26種,使用mtDNA內完整12SrRNA片段進行序列分析,建構分子親緣關係樹,並與傳統形態分類方法所得之鸚哥魚科魚類親緣關係進行比較。結果發現以分子序列分析方法所建構之親緣關係樹,可鑑別至種的層級。亞科及屬間類緣關係大致與傳統分類結果一致(Bellwood, 1994),但在鸚哥魚亞科(Scarinae)內屬間相對演化順序有出入,即Scarus與Chlorurus間之關係較Hipposcarus為近。 
英文摘要 The coral reefs in the Kenting area, the southern tip of Taiwan, has the highest marine diversity in the coastal of Taiwan. Parrotfishes slay one of the most important role in the coral reef ecosystems. However, because rapid change of environment and the overfishing problem have treatened the populations of parrotfishes. Thus the studies of their life history and egg classification are needed for the in resources conservation. There are two puposes to do this research. One is to know the species composition and their temporal and spacial distribution of the spindle-shaped parrotfish eggs (Scarus, Chlorurus, Hipposcarus) around the waters of Kenting based on the morphological identification of eggs by using light microscope ( LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results shown that spindle- shaped parrotfish eggs could be classified into three types by LM, and then further distinguished into 2 other types from the Type2 and Type3 with the position of micropyle by SEM. The classification result shown that there is no seasonal variation in the number of eggs during Sept. 1999 to Mar. 2002, but one bloom was observed in Mar. 2000.   The second part of this study is to infer the phylogenetic relationship of the 26 species of parrotfishes. The 12S rRNA sequence of mtDNA showed that the following 7 generas were genetically differentiated: Leptoscarus, Calotomus, Bolbometopon, Cetoscarus, Hipposcarus, Chlorurus and Scarus. Leptoscarus and Calotomus were grouped into a sister group by Neighbor-joining method. The result was different from the morphological taxonomy. From the same sequence of mtDNA, Type1 eggs were classified into 5 species: Scarus festivus, S. forsteni, S. rubroviolaceus, S. niger and S. psittcaus. All of Type2 eggs are matched to S. prasiognathos, and the Type3 eggs are matched to S. rivulatus or S. frenatus. In conclusions, the should be the only way to species identify. 
出版者 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋生物研究所 
出版地 基隆市 
關鍵詞 屏東縣;恆春鎮;恆春;墾丁;魚類;鸚哥魚;鸚哥;分子;演化;應用;海域;分類;魚卵;組成;海洋