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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 墾丁國家公園發展生態旅遊之遊憩效益評估 
作者 詹雅文 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 110 
中文摘要 墾丁國家公園是台灣地區的首座國家公園,亦是台灣唯一涵蓋陸地與海域生態系的國家公園,也是台灣本島唯一的熱帶區域,不僅是保育、研究、環境教育的自然博物館,更是國民休閒旅遊的渡假勝地。墾丁既有豐富的自然資源,且氣候溫暖、景緻怡人、交通便利,每年都吸引約四百萬遊客到墾丁感受自然體驗,相對地為墾丁國家公園的資源環境帶來巨大的遊憩衝擊,比如塞車、垃圾、污水、不當的遊憩行為,而發展生態旅遊的經營策略正是提供墾丁國家公園管理單位降低遊憩衝擊的旅遊型態。本研究利用條件評估法(CVM)及旅遊成本法(TCM)分別估算遊客之願付價格與發展墾丁國家公園生態旅遊之遊憩效益評估。 
英文摘要 Kenting National Park is the first established national park of Taiwan. It is also an unique area which includes land and ocean ecosystem, and is the essentially tropical portion of the island. Kenting National Park is also a nature museum that offers conservation, research and environmental education. It is getting popular an important leisure spot for the public. There are abundant diverse resources in Kenting National Park, provided with warm weather, the beautiful landscape, and particularly a convenient accessible transportation. It attracts yearly 4,000,000 tourists to visit this wonderful nature with exciting and memorable experience. However, it brings the recreational impact to the regional resources and environment as well: traffic, trash, waste-water, and inappropriate recreation behavior. Ecotourism planning could compromise those conflict problems in the development and management of tourism. The present study estimates the WTP of tourists by Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) and Travel Cost Method (TCM). 
出版者 東海大學景觀學系 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 屏東縣;恆春鎮;恆春;墾丁;國家公園;生態;觀光