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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 恆春地區臺灣獼猴活動範圍使用之研究 
作者 楊子欣 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 73 
中文摘要 本研究以林業試驗所恆春熱帶植物園區中的一群台灣獼猴為研究對象,欲了解猴群活動範圍使用方式與其食性和過夜地點的關係。研究資料採用尤仲妮於1998年2月至1999年2月對此猴群的觀察記錄,選取其中追蹤較完整的61天,以每月活動範圍面積、每日移動距離及使用路徑呈現活動範圍使用型態,檢視其與各月之食物組成、主要食物取食地點及過夜地點分佈的關係。猴群全年活動範圍的面積以方格法估算為64.8公頃,最小凸多邊形(MCP)面積為98.4公頃,95% kernel面積為47公頃。全年之每日行走距離平均為2112.9公尺。全年固定使用兩個過夜地點(S1,S2),而對兩者的使用頻度有季節上的變化。猴群各月活動範圍大小與食物組成無明顯關係,每日移動距離與取用果實比例呈顯著正相關,而在以不同類型食物為主食時,每日使用路徑的方式有別。此外,除1998年4月外,猴群各月取用主要食物地點與過夜地點所圍成之MCP面積佔當月活動範圍面積之比例皆大於60%,其中5月、8月和9月是在加入過夜地點後才佔了較高比例,顯示活動範圍使用與主要食物和過夜地點分佈有關。綜合猴群各月的食物種類和活動範圍使用情形來看,可發現在取用黃心柿種子為主的月份,各月活動範圍面積與各日行走距離皆小,各日間使用相似路徑;取用榕屬和茄苳果實較多的月份,各日間使用相似的路徑,但每日行走較長的距離;取用銀合歡等莖葉較多的月份,每日行走距離較短,但因各日間使用不相似的路徑,以致各月活動範圍面積較大。 此研究結果顯示恆春熱帶植物園區台灣獼猴活動範圍使用方式與食物和過夜地點的選擇使用有關,推測不同食物的分佈、成份及猴群取用方式等特性可能是影響此結果的原因,而猴群對過夜地點的選擇則可能受到研究地區地形、氣候和遊客干擾的影響。 
英文摘要 Relationships between diet, sleeping sites selection and ranging behavior of a wild troop of Formosan macaque in the Heng-Chun Botanical Garden was studied. Field data were collected by Chung-Ni You from February, 1998 and February, 1999. Records on feeding and ranging behaviors in 61 sampling days were extracted for analysis. Home range area of the monkey troop estimated by grid cell method, minimum convex polygon method and 95% fixed kernel method, were 64.8 ha, 98.4 ha, and 47 ha, respectively. Average daily path length was 2112.9 m. Only two sleeping sites were known to be used by the troop during the study and seasonal changes were observed in the use of the two sites. Monthly home range area estimated by three methods were not related to proportion of food items in the diet. Daily path length was positive correlated with the proportion of fruit in the diet, and negative correlated with the proportion of seed. Monthly home range areas were largely determined by the distribution of top food items and sleeping sites. When the monkeys fed mainly on Diosyros maritime seeds, they used similar routes with short length and the monthly home range area was small. When fed on figs and Bischotia javanica fruits, the monkeys traveled farther but still followed a similar daily path. When fed on Leucaena leucocephala leaf, they traveled a shorter but different path daily and the monthly home range area was large. The results suggested that the ranging pattern of Formosan macaques was related to diet and sleeping sites selection. The relationship may be explained by nutrient composition, seasonal variation and spatial distribution of food items, and the way monkeys ingest specific food items, especially Diosyros maritime seed. Topography, weather conditions and disturbance by tourists may be factors contributing to sleeping site fidelity of the monkey troop. Key words: Macaca cyclopis, ranging patterns, diet, sleeping sites. 
出版者 國立東華大學自然資源管理研究所 
出版地 花蓮縣 
關鍵詞 屏東縣;恆春鎮;獼猴;恆春;活動;範圍;猴子;猴類