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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 從生態博物館(Eco-museum)概念探討臺北縣平溪鄉菁桐村礦業景觀路徑經驗之展示架構 
作者 賀雯萱 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 137 
中文摘要 近年來平溪鄉觀光事業興起,非通盤的規劃、過度開發、惡質觀光等造成地方的快速破壞,使退去繁華外衣的菁桐村面臨衝擊。當地居民與外來者間應如何共存、協調、形塑、營運、保存等問題,是值得探討的議題。 
英文摘要 In recent years, Pingsi Town has found a growing interest in tourism. Yet at the same time the town is facing the impact of tourism marred by uncoordinated and incomprehensive tourism planning, over-development, poor quality tourism and other negative and detrimental actions. Therefore it is worthwhile to probe into how the locals and the tourists can come together to deal with issues of coexistence and coordination, and how to shape and mold, to operate and to conserve the cultural assets. 
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出版者 中原大學室內設計學系 
出版地 桃園縣 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;平溪鄉;礦業;路徑;菁桐;生態博物館