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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 主題探索戶外教學活動實施相關因素之研究: 以宜蘭市南屏國小鄉土教育 "河與人" 教學為例 
作者 鄭俊明 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 163 
中文摘要 「宜蘭河」是一條貫穿整個宜蘭市區的河流,是早年宜蘭人的重要經濟命脈擔負著宜蘭人飲用、灌溉、水運、商業、休閒…等多重功能。宜蘭人對宜蘭河的依賴是既深且重,因此,宜蘭人自然將它視為自己的「生命之河」。宜蘭市南屏國小就位於宜蘭河畔,研究者有感於宜蘭市的小孩大都只認識年年辦理國際童玩節活動而遠近馳名的冬山河,對近在咫尺且對自己過往生活有密切關係的宜蘭河鮮少概念與關心,在強調鄉土教育的今日,這實在是一個很大的缺憾。研究者於是參與學校同仁許老師所建構出來,一系列以宜蘭河為主題的探索教學活動,看到學生有更多機會去認識宜蘭河、瞭解宜蘭河,並進而關心宜蘭河,因而對此一教學過程及可能獲致的結果充滿興趣與期待,除了全程參與教學活動外,並從旁做深入的觀察與記錄,對相關的研究對象也進行深度的訪談。希望藉此研究結果,能對學校本位課程的建立及學生鄉土情懷的增進,有實質上的助益。 
英文摘要 Research on the related factors for a topic-centered exploratory field tripn Based upon the local educational teaching of “ I-Lan River” by Nan-Ping Elementary School in I-Lan Cutting through the I-Lan City, the I-Lan River was once the lifeblood for I-Lan in early ages and now still contains a multifunction for drinking, irrigation, transportation, business and leisure needs. People in I-Lan count on this river enormously, hence it is regarded “the river of life” by the local people.The motivation for this study originates from the environmental cognition for the I-Lan River. Nan-Ping Elementary is right located by river. It will be a pity if its students are more familiar with the Tong-Shan River, which is made known for the annual International Children’s Folklore and Folkgame Festival, than the river which is so close and especially has an intimate relationship with them. 
出版者 國立花蓮師範學院國民教育研究所 
出版地 花蓮縣 
關鍵詞 宜蘭縣;宜蘭市;鄉土;教育;教學;戶外活動