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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺灣閩南語傳統語文教育文讀音系統之調查與研究:從嘉義縣太保市文讀音調查到發音人廣韻文讀正音韻圖 
作者 梁炯輝 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 1502 
中文摘要 臺灣閩南語傳統語文教育之文讀音系統,迄今未見有專門而完整的論述。有志於此,深入探究現代文讀音系統、《彙集雅俗通十五音》與《廣韻》三者間的對應規律,然後,除了發現周子中先生的音系確實來自《彙集雅俗通十五音》之音系,而且《彙集雅俗通十五音》之音系來自《廣韻》之外,並要了解其間有關文讀音的對應現象,除依據對應規律提出對應意見之外,並進而修正現代文讀音系統,得到〈發音人文讀正音〉與〈發音人廣韻文讀正音〉。另外繪製韻圖之主要目的,在幫助學者通過幼學階段所得之音節,類推高級語文教育內容,以利臺灣漢學之傳承。 
英文摘要 The Pronunciation system of Taiwan's Min-Nan Traditional education of language and literature has been existance for about three hundred and fifty years. Unfortunately, so far, there isn't any special or complete essays related to this system. Hence the Hence the author devotes himself to the theme. As soon as the author obtain the phonemic data by Mr. Jou Tzyy Jong, then he will use the method of Correspondence to make a penetrating research on the the literary Pronunciation system of the present generation and the books of Whey Jee Ya Su Tong Shiy Wu In and Kuang Yun. The author wants to know any regulation among these three, Whey Jee Ya Su Tong Shiy Wu In, Kuang Yun, and the literary Pronunciation system offered by Mr. Jou after using the method of Correspondence. Then, we found that the Pronunciation system of Mr. Jou comes from that of the Whey Jee Ya Su Tong Shiy Wu In, which is derived from the Pronunciation system of Kuang Yun. Furthermore, we want to understand any phenomenon of Correspondence among them regarding the literary pronunciation. 
出版者 國立新竹師範學院臺灣語言與語文教育研究所 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 嘉義縣;太保市;發音人;語音;文讀音;正音;對應;十五音;廣韻;韻鏡