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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 大林鎮宗教變遷的社會史分析 
作者 周益民 
出版日期 2000 
頁碼或冊數 86 
中文摘要 本論文的撰寫希冀透過人類學的田野調查,配合歷史文獻等鄉土材料,討論宗教與地區發展的關係,在這個意義下包含兩個主題:大林鎮的形成過程,與大林鎮的歷史事件跟臺灣民間宗教之間互動變遷的關係。全文共分六章,首章〈緒論〉說明研究歷程、方法與理論資料的使用。並以功能學派之理論為思考的架構,包含地方史的建構過程與中國傳統社會、臺灣民間信仰者行動的互動角度作文獻的回顧。第二章〈社會的形成---從大埔林到大林〉談大林社會是如何形成的,它牽涉到自然環境和人文的互動歷史發展過程。以人類學的角度來探討人群組織連結的兩大假設:即血緣和地緣,並理解它們的性質為何?第三章〈大林鎮的歷史圖像〉,由各種文本的角度來「看」大林及其地區發展。第四章〈大林地區的公眾信仰〉,藉由村廟、祠堂的訪查,討論大林各村庄的公共祭祀中心,除合作、整合的功能外,其間尚包含競爭、衝突等不同情境式的複雜關係。第五章之〈跨聚落的祭祀組織〉,首先即對大林鎮信仰組織作一基本說明,並分析其區域的代表性,隨後則針對外圍周遭互動的衝突與曖昧作一明確的說明。第六章〈結論〉整合全文對地方社會所含括的大小區域,推演出一個特定範圍的歷史社會圖像。 
英文摘要 The main theme of this thesis is about the social change in the history of Dalin, and the process of how Dalin people constructed their religious belief. My ethnography is based on the fieldwork in all the village-temples in Dalin. The methodology of this research shall be focused on the sphere of an interpretive approach of historical and social anthropology.At first, I will state the history the history image and events about Dalin; secondly, investigating the temples in this area. Finally I try to analyze the social change and development in Dalin from the very beginning till now, especially in culture and religion. I will discuss the competition between Dalin and its neighborhood, including the main temples and others in the area. To compare the influence from these temples and their history, we can get very interesting results: Dalin does not have its own major god(主神). Without one major god in this area, even the temple (安霞宮)on the old street can control only three villages, in spite that the whole area has 21 villages. The main outside religious powers are divided into three parts, maybe four to five parts in the past. I visited these places outside Dalin for three years and suggest that these temples with their gods outside Dalin should be respected together with those in Dalin area. These gods are Six-House-Ma-Tsu (六房媽), Three-Mountain-King(三山國王), Kuan-In and Ma-tsu in Ming-Shiung(民雄大士爺、慶成宮媽祖)and so on, still with very great infulances in Dalin area from the beginning. 
出版者 南華大學亞洲太平洋研究所 
出版地 嘉義縣 
關鍵詞 嘉義縣;大林鎮;村廟;民間宗教;六房媽;三山國王;觀音大士;媽祖