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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 大林鎮民眾對地方永續發展議題之探討 
作者 邱瀞儀 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 76 
中文摘要 永續發展為都市城鄉尋求經濟發展的同時亦能提昇周邊環境與生活品質的一種策略,且已是全球眾多都市城鄉發展之指導方針。欲成為真正的永續城鄉,必須朝向城鄉的經濟永續性、人文社會永續性與生態環境永續性三面向來思維,並謀求三者間共生平衡來進行。因此,為了能夠切實達成永續發展的目標,必須先要透過社區教育形式與當地民眾的交流促成共識的形成,而後針對於我們所處之經濟、人文社會、生態環境各面向及該區關切的議題所提出願景,並獲得民眾的認同參與,最後訂定出該區域適用的永續城鄉策略。本研究以嘉義縣大林鎮為研究範圍,期望建立加強民眾對於嘉義縣大林鎮未來永續城鄉發展之共識,及以永續發展三面向為基礎,透過社區的深度訪談與鄰里的問卷研究,經由整合大林鎮經濟、人文社會、生態環境等面向之課題,訂定出適合大林鎮永續城鄉發展之策略,使能夠清楚該區域發展的定位及需加強之面向,以營造永續城鄉為未來建構之方向。 
英文摘要 Sustainable development is a strategy, which enables a city or a county to seek economic development also benefit the local environment and quality of life. Its “triple bottom line” concept- integrating economic, environmental and social dimensions, has become an important guidance when new cities or counties are being developed or innovated, by which traditional values of the counties and economic opportunities could go hand in hand. In order to reach this goal, community education and the consensus communication among the local populace must be implemented to bring the sustainable vision to the populace, and to establish the strategies for the sustainable county.The purpose of the study is to develop a strategy framework for the rural counties or towns, which based on the consensus of the local community and the concept of sustainable development. Dalin was adopted to fulfill the goal, and questionnaires and indepth interviews among communities were made to discover the consensus and core values of the local people. Together with the knowledge from the literature and the results of this study, the final suggestions of the development strategy of Dalin can be proposed. 
出版者 南華大學環境管理研究所 
出版地 嘉義縣 
關鍵詞 嘉義縣;大林鎮;地方發展;社區發展;永續發展;地方二十一世紀議程;社區教育;永續城鄉