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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 員山榮民醫院多面向改善之研究 
作者 游漢欽 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 89 
中文摘要 近年來政府財政惡化,公立醫院民營化、去任務化之音喧囂塵上;因此,如何做好管理、爭取客源、提昇營運績效就成為本院能否生存的重要議題了。此間筆者運用在陽明大學醫務管理研究所以及臺灣大學管理學院商學所所習之學理,經營管理員山榮民醫院,成效頗佳,除了深獲地方鄉親的肯定,也是退輔會所屬醫療機構中轉型較為成功的醫院之一。筆者希望藉這個回顧性的個案研究來探討其關鍵成功因素(key success factors)。 
英文摘要 In the recent years, the govern financial becomes worse. And the deprivation & deobligation is more concerned. So, It becomes an important issue in our hospital that how to make a good management, how to attract and capture the consumer & how to increase the revenue of operation. During five years working in Y.S.V.H., the writer faced both the mass change of our national environment and the competition of I-Lan Hospital’s revival(highly homogeneous hospital). What I learned from the Institute of Hospital & Health Care Administration of NYMU and the Department and Graduate Institute of Business Administration of NTU have been performed to run Y.S.V.H.. The outcome is quiet good that we received the affirmation of local people and also the better successful transformation among hospitals of V.A.C.. Therefore, the writer would like to discuss the key success factors of our hospital through this review of case study. 
出版者 國立臺灣大學商學研究所EMBA組 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 宜蘭縣;員山鄉;競爭優勢;賽局;策略;互補者