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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 溫泉旅館遊客市場區隔分析之研究:以知本溫泉為例 
作者 鮑敦瑗 
出版日期 1999 
頁碼或冊數 118 
中文摘要 本研究針對休閒理論、旅館發展、溫泉歷史、消費者行為及市場區隔等相關文獻進行探討,並且參考EKB之消費者決策行為模式,加以調整後作為本研究之主要架構。在資料收集上則採用封閉式問券調查方式,對前往溫泉旅館之遊客進行「旅遊行為」、「旅遊動機」、「遊憩體驗」、「體驗滿意度」「總體滿意」及「社經背景」等六部分之調查。在資料分析上,則以描述性統計分析(Frequency Analysis)、因素分析(FA)及多元尺度法(MDS)作為分析之工具。 
英文摘要 The competition among Hot Spring Resort Hotels has become rigidly. The case study of tourist market segmentation in ChiPen area’s resort hotels would be investigated to find new market segments those differ from traditional ones. The research framework of the study was based on literature review of leisure theory, consumer behavior, market segmentation, and EKB consuming behavior model. Information useful for developing market segmentation was obtained through a cross-section self-administrated survey. The sampling frame consisted of the 300 tourists who visited ChiPen resort area and experienced Hot Spring. Of the 300 surveys, 19 were eliminated due to insufficient information, and 281 completed for (1) descriptive analyses that produced profiles of different market segments and (2) developing new tourist market segments in visiting ChiPen resort area. 
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出版者 朝陽大學休閒事業管理系 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 臺東縣;卑南鄉;休閒理論;溫泉;旅館;消費行為;市場區隔