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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 蘭陽盆地居民飲用之地下水中無機砷及其他元素含量與癌症發生之相關性研究 
作者 魏敏澧 
出版日期 1998 
頁碼或冊數 108 
中文摘要 無機砷是已知人類的致癌物質,會導致全癌、肺癌、肝癌、泌尿道癌等癌症,並有顯著的劑量效應關係,這些結果已於臺灣西南沿海高砷地區的諸多研究加以支持。近年來並在蘭陽盆地發現地下井水含砷濃度偏高,如果砷的致癌性確實,則蘭陽盆地居民的癌症高發生部位是否與臺灣西南沿海居民相似。又地下水成分複雜,包含許多其他無機金屬元素,是否其中仍有砷以外的元素,對各種砷引起的癌症有單獨作用,或與砷的交 互作用,亦需加以釐清。本研究共分二部份探討蘭陽盆地無機砷及其他地下井水主要成分與各種癌症的相關性,並比較其與臺灣西南沿海高砷地區的疾病狀態是否相同。第一部份為蘭陽盆地無機砷癌之世代追蹤研究。第二部份為蘭陽盆地地下井水成分元素分析。結果發現,各元素的濃度分佈變異極大,其中鈣、鐵、錳、鉻、鋇、鈹與砷的濃度變化有明顯相關,但相關係數偏低(<0.3);錳與銅對癌症的發生具有保護效果,但與砷之間並無明顯的交互作用,顯示飲水中仍以砷可能為主要致病因子。 
英文摘要 Cancers of the skin and lung induced by inorganic arsenic has been well recognized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The association between long-term inorganic arsenic exposure and cancers had been reported in many studies carried out in Taiwan. In order to reprove the carcinogenic effect of ingested inorganic arsenic, Chiaoshi, Chuangwei, Tungshan and Wuchien townships in Ilan County, where the arsenic level in well water is highly variable were selected as study area. This is the first study to assess the dose-response relationship between cancer risks and long-term individual exposure to inorganic arsenic.Our study also found that both arsenic exposure and cigarette smoking have a significantly synergistic effect on risks of cancers from lung and urinary among study subjects. ICP-AES was used to look into the content of elements in well water. We didn't find any elements in well water that significantly correlated to the carcinogenic ability of arsenic.Our large cohort study indicates that long-term exposure to inorganic arsenic based on more precise estimation of individual exposure among study subjects will increase risks of various cancer sites. 
出版者 臺北醫學院藥學研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 宜蘭縣;冬山鄉;無機砷;地下水;癌症;壯圍鄉