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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 宜蘭廟群KHIAM(示簽)祭祀圈之研究 
作者 簡瑛欣 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 135 
中文摘要 本篇論文是以宜蘭縣為範圍,討論一個具有民族特色的祭祀圈輪祀組織--khiam,其信仰表相與民族底相。在信仰表相上,筆者透過普查方式,瞭解蘭陽平原上51間使用khiam的廟群現況與地理分布;在民族底相上,筆者透過史料蒐羅、族譜與施添福教授在《蘭陽平原的傳統聚落—理論架構與基本資料》所提供的基本資料,加上筆者田野調查所得的訪問資料,來討論一個隱性的民族:來自福建省漳州府的詔安縣客家移民,在蘭陽平原上的分布狀態。然後,再將khiam的空間分布圖、形成類型與詔安客的分布型態作一疊合比對的工作,找出khiam與詔安客的關係。最後,我們把研究場域移至臺灣西部的雲林縣西螺鎮,比較蘭陽平原的khiam與西螺七khiam的在人群分布、使用語言、khiam的規模、形成與變遷以及民族認同等面相的差異,並藉由兩者的比較,來凸顯蘭陽平原khiam祭祀組織的區域特色與民族特色。 
英文摘要 This thesis deals with the khiam, an ethnically distinct religious system in Yilan County. Both the religious and the ethnic aspect of the khiam are discussed. A census of fifty-one temples located on the Lanyan Plain serves my survey of the religious aspect of the khiam, which uncovers the present situation and the geographical distribution of the local temple community. On the other hand, I employ historical records, pedigrees of the local clans, materials offered by Professor Teng-fu Shih’s raditional Villages on the Lanyan Plain: Theoretical Structure and Basic Information and information I gathered from my own oral history works as the base upon which to discuss the distribution of a “recessive” ethnic group on the Lanyan Plain, the Hakka immigrants from the Zhao’an County of the Fujian Province, China. Further comparative analyses of the geographical distribution and types of the khiam and the distribution of the Zhao’an Hakka identify the close relation between the khiam and the Zhao’an Hakka. In the last chapter of this thesis, I compare the khiam on the Lanyan Plain and that in Xiluo, a town in Yunlin County in western Taiwan. Differences in language and demographical distribution between these two ethnic groups, the formation, changes, and the scale of their khiam, and their ethnic identity all show the local and ethnic characteristics of the khiam on the Lanyan Plain. 
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出版者 國立政治大學民族研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 宜蘭縣;冬山鄉;廟群;祭祀圈;示簽;民間信仰;客家;宜蘭縣;壯圍鄉