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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺灣西南部燕巢及中埔之土壤氡氣背景值調查 
作者 周哲仰 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 84 
中文摘要 氡氣是一種無色、無嗅,具有放射性之惰性氣體,含量雖少,但普遍分佈於環境中。一般認為,地殼破碎行為是造成氡氣含量異常變化的原因之一;氡氣含量變化常因此被應用於偵測斷層和地震的活動性。為了瞭解臺灣西南部土壤氡氣含量的背景值,本研究分別在旗山斷層和觸口斷層沿線、具有冒氣現象之泥水潭附近,各建立一座土氡監測站;測站名稱分別為燕巢和中埔測站。本研究並嘗試尋找氡氣變化和地震之間的關聯性。 
英文摘要 222Rn is a colorless, and smell-less, inert gas with radioactivity. Although in rare amounts, this gas can be commonly found in the soil and water as a decay product of 226Ra. It is generally agreed that the crust break-up is one of the major factors that can cause 222Rn spike anomalies. Therefore, the 222Rn monitoring survey can be applied to correlate displacement of faults and, even earthquake activities. In this study, we set up 222Rn monitoring stations in Yanchau and Jungpu regions, respectively, for the purpose of measuring the soil radon level and, if possible, seeking for the relationship between the variations of 222Rn concentration and earthquake activities. 
出版者 國立臺灣大學地質科學研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 嘉義縣;中埔鄉;土壤氡氣;地震預報