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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 西港玉敕慶安宮香科活動之研究 
作者 李素英 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 171 
中文摘要 本研究以社會科學的方法,收集近二十年的活動資料冊、文獻探討、現場觀察紀錄、深度訪談主事核心人員、並對參與活動香民做田調訪查,進行資料分析,目的為瞭解西港香科活動源流與變遷,探究道教如何寄於民俗中,其行程與儀式設計在送瘟上具何意義,以及參與民眾對活動的認知、心理需求、感受與價值觀.研究發現,多數香民對此活動的屬性認知為地方民俗文化活動,並且認為將活動傳承與創新,有助於發展成地方觀光產業.在香科醮儀中,透過火醮、和瘟醮等類似「通過儀式」,使地方從「骯髒、生病」轉變為「乾淨、健康」.道士於做醮時,以簡便化、形象化、通俗化、在地化等方式進行科儀,將道教的瘟疫觀寄於民俗活動中. 
英文摘要 This research adopted the way of social science to collect the activitie’s books of 20 years recently. This research also used the means of analyzing document, observing activities on the spot, deep interview to the employee,and field study on the people participating in the activities.This research use above-mentioned means in order to understand Shih-Kong Chin-An Temple religion’s activitie’s origin and change, analyze the journey and design, and understand the knowledge,need ,sensation ,and value of the people .The discovery of the research, most of the people think the religion’s activity belonging to local culture activity.If the religion’s activity could be innovated,It would be helpful to local tourism. Via the religion’s activity of the fire ceremony have changed local dirtiness and illness into cleanliness and healthiness.Monk use convenient, imaginable,and local means to operate the religion’s activities. 
出版者 國立臺南大學臺灣文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;西港鄉;香科;香科活動;香民;慶安宮