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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 鄰里性文教設施周邊環境之形塑: 臺南市 43 所國民小學環境調查分析研究 
作者 許清俊 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 263 
中文摘要 本研究一改過去學校環境的研究,侷限於「學習心理、教育方式及室內教學空間等」內向層面的缺點;嘗試以校園周圍環境作為主題,進行較為廣泛的探討.對於國民小學,其校園外的景觀問題,應考量周圍土地使用、道路交通及公害等,再以都市設計手法加以引導或規範;對於校園與都市環境之介面空間,應考量如何將校園與都市環境整合;對於校園內的配置,則考量到校園規劃、骨架性空間、校舍建築形式、植栽景觀、校園開放性等問題,並以設施共享的觀念,將學童、教職員及社區居民的使用需求一併考量,再配合校園開放管理措施,以提高設施使用效能,達到校園社區化的目標,以期符合社會變遷的需求,作為研究的取向. 
英文摘要 This study has innovated on an old style studying, not only limited on “ learning psychology, education and teaching activities only in classrooms” disadvantages; but trying on extent learning territory to communities as a topic to do further study. Regarding outside elementary school campus landscape planning, first of all it should be based on ground use, traffic regulation and complicated shops disappeared. And next step is to promote urban design theory to build campus. Also we need to consider how to integrate the environment between campus and urban. Emphasized on campus source use, we need to consider some issues here such as campus planning, construction spaces, building style, plant landscape and campus opening. We would like to promote “sharing” idea and a study direction to integrate demand among children, teachers and residents, and to open campus and to enhance efficiency of public facilities use regarding to suit society’s change. 
出版者 國立成功大學建築研究所規劃組 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南市;鄰里;文教;環境;國小;國民小學