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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 都會交通事故與用路人關係之研究: 以臺南市為例 
作者 蔡佳璋 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 147 
中文摘要 本研究以臺南市所發生車禍案件的肇事原因分析解剖著手,探究道路行旅危險因素之所在,將臺南市死亡車禍主要肇事原因做統計資料分析,對嚴重性的交通違規和危險駕駛剖析,例如:肇事逃逸、酒後駕車、無照駕駛、飆車、超載違規,以實證的方法經交叉分析進而檢定求得真相,探討交通事故案件發生的實質原因和特殊性質,提供政府和民間積極努力的方向,以積極的對策,改善交通環境,降低車禍傷亡比例,保障民眾安全,達到提升交通安全的最重要目標. 
英文摘要 By analyzing the cause of the traffic accidents and violations, this study found that these accidents have interrelation with the personal factors of the drivers that have been categorized into the followings as the suggestions to improve the traffic suggestions: 1. Improve the education of the drivers. 2. Improve the legal regulations. 3. Build up driving morality. 4.Train the correct driving skills. 5. Educate the correct concepts of the rights on the roads. 6. Improve the behaviors of the policemen on the duty. 7. Improve the traffic safety in the intersection. 8. Improve the ability of handling the cases. 9. Set up the lines respectively for cars and motorcycles. 10. Complete the traffic facilities and set up the correct driving concepts. In addition to the advocacy from the government, it still needs the cooperation from the people to help improve the traffic environment. 
出版者 長榮大學經營管理研究所 
出版地 臺南縣 
關鍵詞 臺南市;都會;交通;事故;用路人