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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺南市保生大帝信仰研究 
作者 王郁雅 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 67 
中文摘要 臺南市的保生大帝廟宇可分為府城區、安平區及安南區,府城的開發甚早,也是移民的先驅,在此區中的五間保生大帝廟就有三間廟宇的香火為明鄭時期分靈來臺,而這五座廟宇皆位於交通便利的地區.安平區的兩座廟宇原本都不是祭祀保生大帝,但在居民自決下,選擇保生大帝作為其境內的境主神.安南區於清末臺將浮覆後續有開墾,居民多由北邊遷來,普遍信奉保生大帝,並在生活安定之後,紛紛建廟,使得在日治及光復後,臺南市的保生大帝廟宇數量呈現大幅成長,這也是安南區同庄意識形成的表徵.在祭祀圈方面,由於府城區都市化程度較高,所以祭祀圈不明顯,而安平區、安南區,仍保有一個聚落或角頭為範圍的祭祀圈.從台南市保生大帝廟宇的神明結構來看,雖然保生大帝在福建有其從祀系統,但在台灣的廟宇中,則是依據當地居民的需求及習慣,祭拜各式各樣的神明,而和生活相關的神明數量最多.在祭祀活動方面,府城區及安平區的廟宇活動較簡單,也不時興回祖廟進香,安南區的保生大帝廟宇的活動則較多樣化,各廟宇會於保生大帝聖誕時,個別或聯合去進香.而藥籤的使用在今日社會中雖逐漸減少或消失,但此一民俗療法卻受到學者的重視並加以蒐集、整理及研究. 
英文摘要 Baau Sheng Da Dihis an important god of popular religions in Fujianian regions. Before being a god, Baau Sheng Da Dih was a man . He was a very capable physician and had a generous heart. After his death, the local people worshiped him as a popular god in memory of his generosity. Later he was turned into a Taoist god. Since the worship of Baau Sheng Da Dih was so popular in Fujian, a large population immigrants brought with them the holy incense from temples of Baau Sheng Da Dih to Taiwan and on the new land, they erected new foundation for the temple and temples. The first temple in Taiwan is the Baau Sheng Da Dih temple. Based on the origins of the divide status of god , the temple serves mainly for Fujianian regions. According to the prayers , they are mostly for safe sailing and safe cultivation of new lands, which demonstrate a close link with immigrant’s life. From the statistics of the Ming and Qing period, the number of temples of Baau Sheng Da Dih in Taiwan was at the top list. However, after the Japanese reign and the independence, the separation of Taiwan and China and the rise of other gods slowed down the development of the temples of Baau Sheng Da Dih. 
出版者 國立臺南師範學院鄉土文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南市;保生大帝;信仰;宗教