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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 神明帽冠文化研究: 以臺南市民間信仰主要神明 
作者 尪琬婷 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 131 
中文摘要 「神明帽冠」是民間信仰中,所奉祀神像的裝扮之一.本文就近以臺南市廟宇所供奉的主神為範例,擇取其中供奉最多的五組神明所配戴的帽冠做為研究對象,這五組神明分別為:土地公、玄天上帝、媽祖、保生大帝,以及五府王爺.循從所學,由文化的角度研究說明「神明帽冠文化」之現象、變遷形貌,與象徵意義.第一階段首先從"大陸原鄉"進行「神明帽冠文化探源」.五組神明分別由不同的原始信仰背景發展出獨立的信仰模式,根據信仰內容「擬人化」的原則,添置神明帽冠配戴,形成「大陸原鄉神明帽冠文化」現象.第二階段進入了"光復前臺南市"時期.在發展中的移民社會裡,信仰內容因應環境變遷而有所改變;進步的社會經濟條件亦賦予帽冠製作與設計一不同的面向.如此,構成了「光復前臺南市神明帽冠文化」現象. 第三階段接著著手"目前臺南市"的探討.現階段社會條件與信仰內容的再改變,導致神明帽冠再度變化的新面向.因此,亦發展出「目前臺南市神明帽冠文化」現象.從這三個階段的研究,分析藉由「傳播」-「採借」的外在文化接觸,與「文化遺業」與「創新」的內部自生力量,「涵化」出一套屬於臺南市自身的神明帽冠文化.亦闡釋了神明帽冠文化政治社會、經濟、手工藝、與宗教等象徵意義. 
英文摘要 In Taiwan folk beliefs, the god’s headwear was a usual accessory. The current research studied the gods’ headwears of five famous gods: Tou-Dih-Gung (earth god),Shyuarn-Tian-Shahng-Dih (god of Northern Heavens), Matsou (goddess of navigation), Bau-Shen-Dah-Dih (god of the medical divination), Wou-Fu-Wang’ye (five gods who save people from plagues) in Tainan. In addition, in culture perspective to explain the phenomena of〝The God’s Headwears〞, the appearance, transformation and symbolizations. On the beginning, this article discussed tracing of 〝the origin of the God’s Headwears Culture〞which came from Mainland China. Each God developed independently belief mode from different original belief backgrounds. From religious perspective, copy the system of human society, the believers tended to put more headwears as decorations and formed 〝The God’s Headwears Culture〞 phenomena in Mainland China. The second part of the study discussed 〝the period before Taiwan Restoration〞. In the developing migrant society, the religious objects changed by the social changes. The prosperous economics also affected the god’s headwears to have different design. It constructed〝 The God’s Headwears Culture〞phenomena of the period of Pre-Taiwan Restoration in Tainan City . The third section of this study , the article studied the current situation in Tainan city. The reformation of society and religious objects in recent years caused the change of god’s headwears again, therefore it developed the phenomena of 〝The Current God’s Headwears Culture in Tainan City”.In summary, the article analyzed the external encounter of heterogeneous culture by〝diffusing〞 and 〝borrowing〞as well as the internal generation of〝 culture heritage〞 and〝 independent invention〞, which acculturation established the unique God’s Headwears Culture in Tannan city. This also explained the significance of the God’s Headwears Culture in politics, society, economics, handcrafts and folk beliefs. 
出版者 國立臺南師範學院鄉土文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南市;神明;宗教信仰;帽冠;民間