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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 民間廟宇慶典在舊市區再生中的角色: 以臺南市為例 
作者 顏世樺 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 118 
中文摘要 舊市區再生是邁入二十一世紀臺灣都市發展的重要課題之一.從改善都市公共環境、公共秩序,以及在既有都市脈絡下活用歷史資產,來做舊市區經營的整體考慮,已成為國內外推動舊市區再生的基本概念.臺南市是臺灣最早發展的都市,累積了荷蘭、明鄭、清領、日治及民國等不同時期的豐富歷史資產.目前舊市區再生是以「文化園區」的規劃方式,在文化保存、居住、產業、生態、交通及觀光等各領域的發展上,擬定園區整體性再生策略.其中,宗教活動方面,除了期待能營造成為文化園區的軟體活動特色外,亦將民間廟宇慶典的舉辦視為契機,以呈現具臺灣本土經驗的舊市區再生操作模式.本研究即在此背景下,藉臺南市「四安境農曆正月十五遶境」、「永華宮聖王公聖誕千秋」、「五條港咱來做十六歲」三個案例,探討民間廟宇慶典在歷史性環境再生中的角色扮演. 
英文摘要 In the 21th century, the old downtown is one of issues when we are developing our cities. It is the basic concept for carrying out old downtown revitalization here or overseas that to consider the management of old downtown by public-environment and order improvement, and making use of historic property in the fixed district context. As the oldest city in Taiwan, Tainan’s history can be divided into the following periods, the Dutch Occupation, the Ming Dynasty, the Chi’n Dynasty, the Japanese Occupation, and the Republic of China, and showing the plentiful different period heritages. Now the old central-district revitalization is dealt with the projects of ‘Cultural District”, and declared the complete strategies in those districts. In those projects, the folk-temple festival is thought of a Taiwan-style paradigm for old downtown revitalization as a chance except being a feature of activity. This research, taking three cases of “the Circling round Shi-An-Jing on the lunar calendar Jan 15”, “the Sheng-Wang-Gong’s Birthday in Yong-Hua Temple” and “the Festival of Coming of Age in Wu-Tio-Gang”, will have discussed with the role-playing of folk-temple festivals in old downtown revitalization. 
出版者 國立成功大學建築研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南市;廟宇;慶典;都市;舊市區