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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 從英, 美二國古蹟組織探討臺南市公有古蹟經營管理策略之研究 
作者 榮芳杰 
出版日期 2000 
頁碼或冊數 167 
中文摘要 本論文中所指的古蹟經營管理計劃是針對簇群式或單體式的古蹟提出古蹟活化或再利用的經營方案,其目的在於將古蹟單點的層面擴大到線狀或面狀的層面,藉由經營管理計劃的提出,讓古蹟的潛在特質與功能彰顯出來,並且讓古蹟保存能夠成為一種長遠、永續的發展策略.在臺灣除了在法令上無周延的經營管理辦法與客觀監督的執行單位外,經營管理觀念的民智未開也是古蹟潛在特質無法發揮的關鍵.因此本論文以英國古蹟經營管理的公部門組織EnglishHeritage、私部門組織NationalTrust與美國的私部門組織NationalTrust三者為分析對象.藉由國外成功的經營管理經驗檢視臺南市公有古蹟經營管理問題上的癥結,並且找出臺南市未來公有古蹟的經營策略與方向. 
英文摘要 Three subjects were to be analyzed in my thesis, and they were the public department organization of British─The English Heritage, the private organization of British─The National Trust, and the private organization of America─American National Trust. This real experience were used to analyze the operation agents and strategies on heritage operation and management , and by this way , we review the status quo of Tainan city’s public heritage, trying to discuss the future potentials and directions. We hope that the policies of Tainan city can combine the cultural tourism, heritage sightseeing guidance, and social education, etc. This can be a practical way in every aspect, and the concepts of heritage operation and management can be a turning point that help the heritage to be developed in the long run. 
出版者 國立成功大學建築研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 臺南市;古蹟;公有;公共;經營;管理