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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 停車廠整體服務品質研究: 以臺南市公十一停車場為例 
作者 邱莉莉 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 147 
中文摘要 本個案臺南市公十一停車場,是臺南市停車格位最多的公有路外地下立體停車場,雖然地理位置緊鄰臺南市中心區,屬人潮密集往來處,但停車場近年來的營運收入卻有明顯下降的趨勢,低使用率甚至成為都市設置路外停車場的負面教材.本研究以Parasuraman、Zeithmal和Berry服務品質觀念性模式,作為研究衡量構面,並參考歷來停車問題文獻資料擬出問卷指標,研究發現,在停車場服務品質各項構面中,使用者最滿意的是可靠性,最不滿意的是反應性,最重視可靠性,其次是有形性,最不重視的為反應性. 
英文摘要 This research, public no.11 parking facility of Tainan City has the most parking spaces. It is located in the center of the city, with shopping street, many stores and crowed people; however the usage of parking has not been well realized year by year. This case has become a bad case of city built parking. Marketing has failed to succeed at bring use, even though the parking rate is so low. Using Parasuraman, Zeithmal and Berry’s ideas to make the questionnaires, we find out that motorist felt most satisfy of the parking service is reliable; we also find out the most unsatisfactory is the reaction. 
出版者 長榮大學經營管理研究所 
出版地 臺南縣 
關鍵詞 臺南市;停車;交通;都市