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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 以美國"再生方針" 探討"原臺南州廳再生計劃" 之研究 
作者 范勝雄 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 170 
中文摘要 於國外修護理念文獻作一歷史的回顧,瞭解國際古蹟修護干預層級的精義,並比較美國、日本、中國、臺灣等國修護準則的內涵,俾作為往後檢討實質修護內容的依據,結論是美國的「再生準則」(StandardsforRehabilitation)與「修復準則」(StandardsforRestoration)言簡意賅、扼要中肯,而其「再生方針」(GuidelinesforRehabilitatingHistoricBuildings)的每一步驟,由輕到重,從簡至繁,以淺入深,層次分明,理念清晰,簡明易懂,很具有說服力.反觀日本、中國、臺灣的修護準則,在修護層級上沒有像美國再生準則及方針那樣上下逐一對應清楚的表達,因此本文即以美國「再生準則」及「再生方針」做為「原臺南州廳」古蹟修護理念探討的依據. 先將建築師最初對未列入古蹟的「原臺南州廳」修護及再生規劃設計構想作一陳述;當「原臺南州廳」指定為古蹟後,經會同國內外學者專家意見交流提出修護補救建議,最後建築師又在部分室內解體調查變更設計完成修正定案.本章即以美國「再生方針」與「原臺南州廳」修護後,相關較為重要的建築本體構造元素及結構系統、室內裝修、基地環境等加以討論,並指出修護後狀況在「再生方針」修護步驟的對應干預層級,以明瞭修護理念的實踐程度. 
英文摘要 The foreign literature on restoration thought and understand the essential meaning of intervention level. Furthermore, compare the connotation of restoration standards in the US, Japan, China, and Taiwan; so that, to be the basis for examining the substantive restoration content in the future. The summary is: «the Standards for Rehabilitation» and «the Standards for Restoration of the US» are brief, pointed, and essentialized. In addition, the each instance of «the Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings» is easy, clear, cogent, and demarcated. On the contrary, the standards in Japan, China, and Taiwan, are without clear expression corresponded one by one. Therefore, this study takes «the Standards for Rehabilitation and the Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings» as discussion basis on the historic restoration thought of the Former Tainan Prefectural Hall. 
出版者 國立成功大學建築研究所在職專班 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 美國;再生;臺南市