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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 2002年臺南市, 高雄市及臺東市埃及斑蚊的族群分析 
作者 馮建中 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 49 
中文摘要 2002年登革熱在臺灣南部地區造成流行,本實驗在臺南市、高雄市及臺東市設置斑蚊誘卵器來調查病媒蚊的數量,證明在調查期間登革熱疫情高峰時埃及斑蚊為高雄市主要的病媒蚊(84%).也藉由氣象分析得知高雄市在六月份雨量較多時為病媒蚊數量增加的主要關鍵,同時期在臺南市雨量的增加也造成臺南市病媒蚊數量的增加,另外在乾旱時期較高的氣溫也會使病媒蚊的數量增加,比較高雄市與臺南市在乾旱季節裡,蚊卵收集的量在氣溫高時都有增加的趨勢 
英文摘要 Aedes aegypti is an important vector for dengue fever (DF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). In order to study the density fluctuation of Ae. aegypti, 42, 43, and 60 ovitraps were set in cities of Tainan, Kaohsiung and Taitung, respectively. Surveillance of vector for Tainan and Kaohsiung was carried out from April through December in 2002. Survey in Taitung was made from October to November. Eggs or larvae in each ovitrap were collected weekly and examined in the laboratory until adult emerged. Results of egg examination showed that increase of eggs started from June both in Tainan and Kaohsiung, this indicates that vector density was associated with the precipitation. The peak of eggs of Aedes was found in June in these two cities. The increase of eggs also found to be correlated with the rising of temperature. In Tainan, the number of Ae. aegypti was more than that of Ae albopictus except June to August. 
出版者 國立陽明大學寄生蟲學研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺南市;高雄市;臺東市;埃及;蚊子;族群